Něco o mně


Artist. Musician. Teacher.

1979. Sydney, Australia. Born

B.A.F.A University of Newcastle, Australia. 2002.

Advanced Diploma of fine art, Hunter Institute of Technology, Newcastle, Australia.

Lukos completed his art studies in 2002 in Newcastle, Australia. During his studies, mostly in Painting and photography he was picked up by and represented in John Miller Gallery, a local commercial art gallery and center for the entire art scene. For such a young painter to have commercial success was an epochrial moment in his career. This began The artists life of travels and further exhibitions, world tours and more commissioned art pieces for private and public figures and businesses. Lukos discovered Prague in these travels and found it difficult to escape its inspired architecture, bohemian nights, its magic claws.

Since his time in Prague, Lukos has managed to fuse together his passion for the impressionists treatment of colour along with the cubists approach to composition. CUBistIC IMprESsioniSm.

An interest in perspective also permiates his works, how to look at something in a new light, visual answers to questions most scientists have difficulty trying to visualise in their minds. For example his work often depicts 5 dimensional space. What does that even look like?

Lukos is represented in Private collections around the globe.

Sydney. Newcastle. Brisbane. Melbourne. New York. Los Angeles. Austen. London. Prague. Berlin. Dubai. Abu Dhabi. Moscow.

A new take on modern art, a fusion of Impressionistic colours and Cubistic composition.

Selected Solo and Group Exhibitions 

2020 Aspira, Prague 5, New Perspectives 2020

2020 Galerie 1 a půl. SMoke and Mirrors    

2019  May, Prague – Lucerna, HIdden gems of Prague

2018 The other side, Exhibition in Taree Australia.

2016 Inner City Wine Makers, New Perspectives of Australia. Newcastle Australia.

2016 Franz Kafka House, yearly art expoze, Prague.

2014 The Winter time show, Sicily Cafe, Prague.
2013 Revisiting Australia, Lou Jacks Sydney, Australia.
2012 Twisted Perspective, Vinicni Altan, Prague.
2011 Midnight Impressions, Lucerna, Prague.
2010 Where’s your sense of Humor? The Globe.
2009 There’s an Elephant in the Room, Ouky Douky, Prague.
2008 Prague, First Impressions, Le Court Gallerie, Hastalska.
2007 Beyond the Great Divide, John Miller Gallery, Newcastle, Australia.
2006 Japonisme, Travels in Japan. Field Gallery, Newcastle, Australia.
2005 Around the World in 82.5 Days, John Paynter Gallery, Newcastle.
2004 Icons Overlooked, Blender Gallery, Sydney, Australia.
2003 Art on the Rocks, ASN Gallery, The Rocks, Sydney, Australia.
2002 Debut Exhibition, John Miller Gallery, Newcastle, Australia.


2006 Finalist in Field Gallery Art Prize. Newcastle, Australia.
2003 Short Listed for Art On the Rocks, 40 Artists were selected from 800 entries. Australia.
2003 Short listed for The Brett Whiteley Travelling Art Scholarship. Australia.
2001 ArtStart, Finalist for grants to up-coming artists.



2016 Hunter LifeStyle Magazine, July Edition., 

2007 Hunter LifeStyle Magazine, March Edition 24.

2002 -2007, Newcastle Herald. Artistic critical reviews for most exhibitions by writer Jill Stowell. 




News / Lukos Hey exhibits his paintings

Lukos Hey exhibits his paintings

Lukos Hey is an Australian painter, studied at the University of Newcastle, Australia. During his travels around the world where he was looking for an inspiration, he visited Prague, which enchanted him so much that he has already stayed there and has been living and working in Prague for more than 12 years. Lukos does not have a uniform style and his work is interesting, diverse, distinctive. He has a great sense of color combinations, oscillating between impressionism, cubism, magical realism.

His fragmented perspectives are classic for his buildings and landscapes. His work is represented in many private collections around the world. The European Union of Arts has selected the painter Lukos Hey as the holder of the European Award for artistic and cultural activities – Golden Europea 2021. His first artistic presentation this year will take place in the gallery on the square in Roudnice nad Labem from 15 June 2021.